“Unlocking the Power of Health Data: Navigating its Role in Digital Therapeutics"
August 28, 2024
Tartu, Estonia
The session "Unlocking the Power of Health Data: Navigating its Role in Digital Therapeutics" will take place on August 28, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM (CEST) at the TARTU BIOTECHNOLOGY PARK. It is being promoted by the European EDAH project, where Health Cluster Portugal is a partner of the Consortium. This session is part of the "DTx New Nordics 2024 Conference," a one-day side event held during the "Estonian Health Tech Week" (August 26-29) in Estonia.
The session is co-organized by the partners of the EDAH project, serving as a milestone for the project's conclusion after two years of synergy and cooperation on topics related to the implementation of the European Health Data Space.
The session aims to discuss the status of the EHDS implementation process at the European as well as Member State levels from the perspective of primary and secondary health data use with a particular emphasis on supporting the advancement of innovative digital solutions in health.
The session will focus on the maturity and readiness of Member States to implement the European Health Data Space, highlighting the challenges and needs associated with the primary and secondary use of health data at both European and national levels. Montse Daban will act as the session's moderator.
Learn about the program and speakers of the session promoted by EDAH and register for the "DTx New Nordics 2024 Conference," where the session is included, here.
If you are interested in learning about the activities promoted throughout the 4 days of the "Estonian Health Tech Week," you can check and register here.